Ladies talking in an office

News & Events

Keep up with the latest from First Watch Credit Union.

In accordance with the bylaws of First Watch Credit Union, the Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors, is calling for nominations to fill expiring terms of three directors. Two incumbent directors have submitted their intentions to apply for another term to the nominating committee.

Additional candidates who are 21 years of age and a member of the credit union in good standing may apply for the consideration. Candidates must be available to attend monthly board meetings currently held on the third Wednesday of each month and successfully complete required training on Financial Literacy and the Bank Secrecy Act. A full job description for a board member is available upon request. Interested members should apply in writing by April 2, 2024, to the Nominating Committee at 1118 Pine St, Abilene, TX 79601.

Election Procedures: The nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting to be held on April 9, 2024. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Except when there is only one nominee for each position, all elections are by ballot and determined by plurality of vote. If there is only one nominee for each position, the chair may declare the election of each nominee by general consent or acclamation.


First Watch Credit Union's Annual Meeting will be held on April 9, 2024. 

FAFCU est. 1959 becomes First Watch CU 2022
After over 60 years of serving the community, First Abilene Federal Credit Union is excited to announce that we are unveiling a new name and brand. The financial institution’s new name will be First Watch Credit Union.
This transformation allows the credit union to become connected and identifiable within all 13 counties in which we serve.  We have a legacy grounded in healthcare workers, yet as a community credit union, we aim to fulfill our mission and go great lengths to be your financial first responder. Traditionally, we have focused on helping consumers seamlessly navigate all facets of their financial needs, offering simple solutions for their financial well-being. “First watch” is a term that refers to the very first shift of the day. It has a historical tie to the first shift at a hospital and a nod to a farmer tending to his land as the sun rises. At First Watch we are hardworking and determined to serve our members well.
Over the next 10 months, we will transition to First Watch Credit Union.  This name change has no impact on any of your accounts and we are not being sold. You and your fellow members will always be our credit union’s owners, and we will continue providing the personal service you have come to expect.  In fact, we believe we will serve you even better as we grow and increase our resources.
We hope you’ll join us in our excitement and rest assured that we remain committed to our members and our community.  Our name now reflects the heart of who we are and how we want to serve you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is First Abilene FCU changing its name to First Watch Credit Union?
We exist to make money simple for our members and the communities we serve. Though our credit union has a strong history of accomplishing that mission in the Abilene area, in recent years we have grown to serve additional counties throughout West and Central Texas. We want these new members and new communities to feel just as welcome at the credit union. Changing our name both eliminates any confusion around who we serve and gives us the ability to pursue further growth opportunities.  Most importantly, these growth opportunities enable us to provide you more convenient, low-cost financial services.
Is First Abilene FCU moving away from its affiliation with Abilene or Taylor and Jones counties?
Not at all! First Abilene FCU is proud of our history. We would not be here today if our founding members and their families had not started this credit union in 1959. Far from being a move away from our roots, this change is a proactive step toward becoming a better financial institution. Both Abilene locations will remain open and continue providing you the friendly, convenient service you love.
How will this affect my membership status?
The name change will have no impact on member status. You and your fellow members will always be our credit union’s owners.
Will First Abilene FCU debit and credit cards still work?
You can still use your current First Abilene FCU ATM, debit and credit cards. Your old cards eventually will be replaced with new cards displaying our new name and logo.
Can I still use First Abilene FCU checks and deposit slips?
You can continue to use your First Abilene FCU checks and deposit slips. When you run out of checks or deposit slips, your new ones will have the new name and logos.
Is the management or Board of Directors changing?
No. You’ll still see the same friendly folks at all our branches.
Will I have to change automatic drafts and direct deposits?
Automatic drafts and direct deposits are routed using the same transit and account numbers as now.  These numbers have not changed, so there is no need to update this information.
Is First Abilene FCU changing ownership?
The credit union is not under new ownership. Our members are still the owners!
Will this affect my loans, savings and investments?
The name change will not impact any of your accounts.
What are some of the positives of the name change?
Members will continue to enjoy superior service. Rates on deposits and loans will remain competitive.  Our growth and increased resources will allow us to serve our members even better. A new name, but an old commitment.
Our expansion to serve additional counties throughout West and Central Texas has allowed us to grow and provide financial services to many.  As we prepare for the next steps in our journey, we want to include you, our members, in our future plans.  The next plan is for our name to encompass our entire field of membership. This involves rebranding the credit union to reflect the communities we serve while incorporating our positive qualities.  Stay tuned as we prepare to announce our new name and brand this May!

FWCU expanding west to new counties
First Abilene Federal Credit Union has a BIG announcement!  An announcement that will help grow our FAFCU family and open the doors to more people in our surrounding communities; one that will allow us to provide better financial products and services across the Big Country; something that will allow us to be involved in additional community service; and an announcement that will allow even more of your friends and family to join the credit union you love and value! 
As of Wednesday, March 17, 2021, First Abilene Federal Credit Union can now serve 13 counties throughout West and Central Texas. 
Since 2000, First Abilene Federal Credit Union has been able to serve the counties of Taylor, Jones, Nolan, Callahan, Eastland, and Runnels.  Now we will have the ability to also serve the counties of Haskell, Shackelford, Stephens, Erath, Comanche, Brown, and Coleman.
Our New Membership Statement
First Abilene Federal Credit Union membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in, as well as businesses and other legal entities located in Taylor, Haskell, Jones, Shackelford, Stephens, Nolan, Callahan, Eastland, Runnels, Coleman, Brown, Comanche, and Erath counties.  Members of record of First Abilene FCU, spouses of person who died while within the field of membership of this credit union, members of their immediate families or household members.
Spread the Word
If you know someone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in one of these new counties make sure you tell them how much you love being part of the First Abilene family.

First Watch Credit Union will be awarding two $500 scholarships to high school seniors.  

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an active member of First Watch Credit Union for at least 3 months with an account in good standing.
  • Be a graduating high school senior.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence, leadership and social awareness.
  • Provide verification of acceptance at an accredited college, trade school or university for the Summer or Fall 2024 Semester.
  • FAFCU staff, officials or family members are not eligible.

The purpose of the First Watch Credit Union Scholarship program is to provide a means to recognize academic excellence, leadership and social awareness provided by our young adult members.  First Watch Credit Union is proud to invest in our future.

A completed scholarship application packet must be in possession of First Watch Credit Union by the end of business day on April 1, 2025.  Selected recipients will be recognized on April 8, 2025, at our Annual Meeting. 

Download Application Here

A new year often means a time to reflect on your personal finances, goals and budget moving forward.  Many of us will agree our wallets have been stretched thin this year.  The price of goods and services are on the rise and ultimately, we don’t have much control.  Inflation has our budgets out of wack, but it’s the perfect time to sit down and make a plan.

We know our wallets are stretched, but do we know exactly what spending categories are getting hit the hardest.  It’s time to dig a little deeper. Evaluate where you are overspending and what budget lines need to be adjusted due to increase in prices. According to the USDA, the average monthly cost of food for a family is around $1200.  Compared to previous times, it is apparent that we need to budget more for groceries.  Are you spending less on eating out because it’s no longer in your budget?  Maybe this category can be adjusted to better reflect your current lifestyle.  Studies reveal that American’s spending habits have changed due to increased prices. 

When inflation hits hard, we need to find ways to save.  We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s hard to change our habits, but cutting back on coffee runs, food delivery services, and combining errands to save on fuel are easy ways to save a little here and there. You may also find extra funds by reducing the number of streaming and music subscriptions you pay for monthly.  If you’re determined to save some money, shop around.  Spend some extra time evaluating the price you pay for monthly expenses like insurance, phone, and internet services. Remind yourself, this isn’t permanent, but some financial adjustments might just help get you through these difficult times and keep you out of debt. 

Take a month and find a rhythm of tracking your transactions.  Managing your money during a challenging environment, and adapting where needed isn’t always easy, but every decision you make affects your financial situation tomorrow.